WhatsApp Workflows for Zoho CRM

WhatsApp Workflows for Zoho CRM


  1. Prerequisites.
  2. Features of WhatsApp Workflows for Zoho CRM.
  3. How to install "WhatsApp Workflows for Zoho CRM".
  4. New buttons were added in the Leads and Contact Modules.
  5. How to send the templates with buttons and custom workflows.
  6. Storing logs in the custom module "WhatsApp Messages".
  7. Supported formats to Media Templates.
  8. Support.


  • You must be the Zoho CRM's super admin.

  • Zoho CRM Professional edition or higher is required.

  • You must either already have a MessageBird account or create one.

Features of WhatsApp Workflow for Zoho CRM

  1. You can send the WhatsApp template by creating a workflow rule.
  2. Send the WhatsApp templates instantly using buttons.
  3. Sending Whatsapp temples from Leads and Contacts modules directly.
  4. You can see the templates inside of the record as a related list like how many templates were sent to the respected customer/client and track message delivery and read receipts.
  5. Once the Extension is installed, you can verify the MessageBird API from the settings widget page.
  6. You may view all of the logs that you sent to customers/clients in a separate custom module.

How to install the WhatsApp Workflows for Zoho CRM

Open Zoho CRM and go to the marketplace

Search the "WhatsApp Workflows for Zoho CRM" keyword and click the install button.

Here you have to choose the Country code, and choose the Phone or Mobile field as a WhatsApp number field. Insert the MessgeBird API key and WhatsApp Channel ID. Please click here to find the MessageBird API and WhatsApp Channel ID

The below image shows where to find the MessageBird API 

The below image shows where to find the WhatsApp Channel ID 

Go to channels on the left panel and click on WhatsApp and copy the Channel Id and paste it into the widget.

After producing the requirements in the widget please validate the API Key and Channel Id by clicking the submit button.

After installing the extension you will get a pop-up on the right bottom of the screen as shown below.

New buttons were added in the Leads and Contacts Modules

There are two new buttons that were built into the Leads and Contacts module and are located in the Details page and List view - Mass Action Menu.

Details Page button:

This button is configured on the detail page of the record in the Leads and Contacts module. This button will send the WhatsApp templates for each customer/client separately. 

List View - Mass Action Menu:
This button is configured on the List View - Mass Action Menu in the Leads and Contacts module. This button will send the WhatsApp templates to customers/clients in a single click.


How to send the templates with buttons and custom workflows

There are two methods to send the WhatsApp templates to your customer/clients.

They are: 
  1. Manually.
  2. Automatically. 
1. Manually: 

    There are two ways to send WhatsApp templates in the Manual method. 
                    1. From Details Page.
                    2. From List View - Mass Action Menu
      1. From Details Page:   
                                          With this method, you can send the templates for each customer/client separately from the Leads and Contacts modules in two ways either you can send them to the existing Lead or Contact, or you must create the Lead or Contact to send the template.

After pressing the "Send WhatsApp Message" button a widget will appear and you have to give some inputs in a widget like a Category, and WhatsApp Template then submits it, which will deliver to the respected customer/client. In this widget, the phone/mobile number fetches automatically.

Directly you can send the templates from the Leads and Contacts modules in the record itself. After pushing the "Send" button you will receive the pop-up as shown below.

After sending the WhatsApp templates you can know whether the message was delivered, and read by the customer/client in the related list called "WhatsApp Messages" in both Leads and Contacts modules, as shown below picture. In the related list, you can observe the WhatsApp Template Name, Status, Message, WA ID (WhatsApp ID), and Error Message.

WA Template NameIt will display the name of the template that you sent to the client/customer.
StatusIt will display the message's status, including whether it was successfully delivered, read, or not.
MessageIt will display the message in the template.
WA IDWhen you send the WhatsApp template to a client/customer, it will display the WA ID that was generated.
Error MessageIt will show when the message wasn't delivered

     2. From List View - Mass Action Menu: 
                                                                       With this method, you can send the templates for customers/clients at a time from the Leads and Contacts modules to the existing Leads or Contacts using "Mass WhatsApp Message". This button will appear in the list view when you choose any record.

After pressing the "Send WhatsApp Message" button a widget will appear and you have to give some inputs in a widget like a Template Category, and WhatsApp Template then submits it, which will deliver to the respected customers/clients. In this widget, the phone/mobile number fetches automatically.

The Template will be sent to all the chosen customers and clients after you press the "Send" button after providing all the information. Under the related list of respectable customers/clients, you can observe whether the templates were delivered, and read by customers/clients, or not.

2. Automatically: 

     With this method, you can send WhatsApp Templates through the Workflow Rules in both Leads and Contacts Modules. To send WhatsApp Template you have to create a Workflow Rule based on your conditions and under instant actions, there is a Custom Workflow named "WhatsApp_Workflows(Messagebird)". When you choose the action a widget will open and you have to choose the Template Category and WhatsApp Template, then you have to set up and save & associate the Workflow Rule and save it.

When you create either Lead or Contact the Template will trigger automatically and it will be delivered to the respected customer/client. 

Storing logs in the custom module "WhatsApp Messages"

One custom module will automatically be created while the extension is being installed. The purpose of a custom module is to display the logs and maintain the WhatsApp Templates that were provided to the customer/client.

There are few fields were added to this custom module, those are listed below:

WA Template NameIt will display the name of the template that you sent to the client/customer.
MessageIt will display the message in the template.
StatusIt will display the message's status, including whether it was successfully delivered, read, or not.
CategoryIt will display the type of template category.
WA IDWhen you send the WhatsApp template to a client/customer, it will display the WA ID that was generated.
PlatformIt will display the platform from which the templates were sent. 
Error MessageIt will show when the message wasn't delivered

Supported formats for Media Templates

Images Template

When using an image, keep the following in mind:

  • The maximum size is 20 MB
  • The following types of images are supported: jpg, jpeg, png, gif

Video Template

When using a video, keep the following in mind:

  • The maximum size is 16 MB
  • The following types of video are supported: mp4 (Only H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec is supported. Only videos with a single audio stream are supported.)

Document Template

When using a document, keep the following in mind:

  • The maximum size is 20 MB
  • A document header is only possible in .pdf format


Contact number: +919868329081

Mail: support.extensions@nexivo.co

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