Razorpay For Zoho CRM

Razorpay For Zoho CRM


  • Prerequisites

  • Key Features                                                                                                                  

  • How to install Razorpay in Zoho CRM                                                                     

  • Usage of buttons in CRM                                                                                             

  • Payment Process                                                                                                       

  • Refund Process                                                                                                           

  • Support


  • You must be the Zoho CRM's super admin.

  • Zoho CRM Enterprise edition or higher is required.

  • You must either already have a RAZORPAY account or create one.

Key Features

  1. Send payment links from the Deals module, Invoice module, and Quotes Module directly to customers from the CRM

  2. You can cancel payment links that you've sent to customers.

  3. You can resend the payment links to customers. If the customer didn't receive the link or the link got expired.

  4. For every payment action, eg notifications of the payment links will come to go in the mail.

  5. For each payment action, CRM sends a sales signal.




How to install Razorpay extension in Zoho CRM


Steps involved to install "Razorpay Payments Link"

  • Open Zoho CRM and go to the marketplace

  • Search the "Razorpay Payment Link" keyword and click the install button.








                           Generate API key secret Id in Razorpay Account ↵

  •   Go to the dashboard in Razorpay and then settings to find the API key option.

  •   Click the generate test key to get the secret key id.







  • After generating the API test key, a pop-up will appear on the screen.


  • Copy the "Key Id" & " Key Secret" in the Razorpay account and download the key details.



  • Paste the copied "key Id" & "Key Secret" in CRM extension settings.





  • Copy the Razorpay Webhook URL appearing in the Extension Settings.

  • Go the to Razorpay setting and go to the webhook option.

  • Click the Add new webhook then a window will open.

  • Paste the URL in Webhook URL, fill in the secret key, and select the active events that you want to happen.

  • Select the "Refund Events" & "Payment_Link Events" in active events, after choosing events then click on the create webhook button.

  • The active events listed below,





Refund Events

Payment_link Events

Refund .Speed_changed










  • After installing the extension, you will get a pop-up at the bottom of the screen for the s extension installed successfully in CRM.




  • Go to CRM and create either "Deal" "Invoice" or "Quote".

  • In that record new fields were added named below.

  • The fields listed below appear in both the "Deals Module", "Invoices Module" & "Quotes Module".








Razorpay Link Status date

This field shows on which time and date the link was created, by calling Razorpay through API. 

Razorpay Link Status

This field shows the payment status of the payment, Ex: If the payment link is created, the payment status will update as "Created". Like Statuses Listed as "Paid", "Cancelled", or "Refund.processed". It calls Razorpay through API and updates the statuses. 

R Razorpay Payment Link

This field shows the payment link that was called by Razorpay through API then generated the link and pushes into CRM.  

Razorpay Link ID

This field generates the payment id through Razorpay by calling API and updating in CRM.






Usage of Buttons in CRM

  • The buttons created in the deals module and invoice module are listed below;


Send Razorpay Payments Link

This button sends the fresh payments t  link through Razorpay by calling API from CRM

Resend Payment Link

This button resends the payments link if a customer didn't receive the link another customer ignored it. 

Cancel Payments Link

By clicking this button you can cancel the payment link that you send to the customer.


  • After clicking the Send Razorpay Payments Link a pop-up will appear on top of the screen.








  • After clicking the "Send payment link" button the fields will update automatically as shown in the image.







Payment Process

  • The payment link will be sent to the customer by either mail or text message.



  • Then you will be redirected to the payment page, you can pay via., UPI's, Credit cards, Debit cards, Net banking.

  • After completion of payment, the payment status will be updated automatically in CRM as shown in the below image.



  • The payment status is shown as paid after the completion of payment.

  • If you cancel the payment link by clicking the "Cancel Payment Link" then the status will be shown as canceled.



  • After clicking the "Cancel Payments Link" the payment status will change to "Cancelled" in CRM.




Refund Process

  • Open the "Razorpay Account" and then go to the dashboard on the left side of the screen the payments link appeared as shown in the image below.




  • Click the "payment links" and then the payment reports get opened.

  • Choose the record to whom you want to refund the payment and once check the record id in CRM also.

  • It shows the payment status of the customer and shows how much amount the customer paid you.

  • Click the link in the amount paid field shown in the image below.



  • After clicking the link the refund window will open and the status will show as issue refund as in the image below.



  • Click the issue refund button, then the refund page will open type the refund amount paid by the customer and send the refund.

  • Then the status will change from paid to refund.

  • The status will change to refunded in CRM through API.


After the refund is initiated the status will update as refund initiated.


The customer will get the mail when a refund is initiated.


After initiation, the Razorpay payment link will be updated to "Refund Processed"

After refusing the process to a customer, will get the mail below







  • CRM sends sales signals for payments, Ex: If payment "Created", "Paid", "Cancelled" or "Refund.Initiated".




Contact Number: +919868329081

Mail: support.extensions@nexivo.co


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